Artist Who Did the Same Thing Over and Over Again

If you thought getting dressed for school or work every day was difficult, imagine what it must be like to be a famous person. A-list stars are regularly photographed, whether they're at an event or only running out to become coffee, significant that their outfit is always being judged. Information technology has to be exhausting to put together some new, stylish, and interesting every single 24-hour interval, and so it's no wonder that some celebrities decide to instead stick to a uniform of sorts.

Instead of opting to get all out with a stylist and Instagram-worthy outfits every day, some stars cull to wear the aforementioned thing each twenty-four hours. Of course, it's not exactly the same item, simply they pick a specific look that works for them, then go for a slightly different version of it whenever they go out — and it definitely works for them. Below are a few stars who are almost always seen wearing a version of the same outfit.

Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande is very rarely seen without her signature hairstyle: her super long high ponytail that is either worn one-half-up or all upwardly, sitting directly on top of her head. In fact, Grande is seen with this look so much that her fans eventually began to wonder why. She finally talked about the reason for the constant ponytail in a status on her Facebook page, explaining that after years of bleaching and dying her pilus for her role as Cat on iCarly, information technology was left completely destroyed.

She added that she didn't like wigs or a weave, and felt best in extensions, saying, "And then as annoying every bit information technology is for y'all to take to await at the aforementioned hair manner all the time, it'south all that works for now (AND I'm comfortable for the showtime time in years)." Aside from the hair, Grande'south uniform usually consists of over-the-genu boots with either an oversized sweatshirt or a babydoll skirt or apparel.

Ellen DeGeneres

As a daytime talk prove host, Ellen DeGeneres is in the public eye at to the lowest degree five days a week, so information technology makes sense that she started to rely on a basic uniform. DeGeneres is usually wearing a variation of a fitted blazer or jacket, skinny pants, and a patterned button-down shirt — whether she'south on The Ellen Show or appearing on the cherry-red carpet.

She explained the idea backside her style in an interview with Harper's Bazaar, maxim, "I don't put much thought into it — this is just who I am. I habiliment comfortable clothes, and I don't really autumn into any specific category. I don't like extremely feminine things, patently, and I don't similar extremely masculine things; I similar sort of neutral things." She besides spoke about finding the right way for herself in an interview with Footwear News, saying that what she loves almost fashion is "individual expression." She explained, "I got more than comfortable in dressing in the way I want to dress instead of what I remember I'k supposed to dress like."

Karl Lagerfeld

Karl Lagerfeld is iconic for two reasons: for beingness the creative force behind Chanel, Fendi and his eponymous make... and for wearing almost the aforementioned exact outfit everywhere he goes. In fact, Lagerfeld's look is so recognizable that you lot'd likely recognize him fifty-fifty if you lot didn't know who he was. He's e'er seen in a black conform (with various black jackets), a white push-down shirt, blackness gloves, and black sunglasses.

Lagerfeld, however, is ever careful to say he doesn't wear the same affair everywhere. In an interview with Harper's Bazaar, he explained the slight differences in his look, saying, "people think I wear the same thing every mean solar day, but in fact it's never the aforementioned thing." He talked nearly the differences betwixt two jackets he frequently sports: he insists that, although both are Dior, you tin can tell they're very dissimilar styles if y'all give them a closer wait. He also has five duplicates of one of those jackets. Surprisingly enough, he added, "My dressing room is and then full that I tin only wear what I see on top of all of the racks."

Kanye West

If at that place'south ane thing Kanye W loves in recent years, it'southward a coordinating athleisure outfit. West is near always seen in some grade of sweats, usually wearing the same color or shade from his shirt downwardly to his shoes. If he'southward non in fitted sweats with a matching top, he's ordinarily in leather pants.

This is a style choice that has not gone unnoticed. Although West has never talked virtually his "compatible," many others have. MTV News has pointed out specific examples of how West has worn the same five sweatshirts over and over once more, and each ane is similar to the side by side: they are all pretty manifestly and in a solid color. The Lord's day one time shared a series of pictures that showed Due west wearing the same verbal outfit three times in one calendar week. And ane Wall Street Periodical article shows that West oft goes through style phases like this, where he gets seemingly obsessed with one type of look and wears it endlessly.

Michael Kors

Like Lagerfeld, you would recall a huge fashion designer like Michael Kors would accept his ain eclectic sense of style. Instead, Kors has opted to stick to what works for him: wearing black from head to toe. Information technology's a rare occasion that nosotros see Kors out and nigh in anything other than his classic all-black ensemble, usually including a fitted jacket, a t-shirt, and dark jeans (although sometimes they're white). He also typically accessorizes with black aviators.

He'due south also totally aware that he dresses the aforementioned all the time. Kors discussed his wait once in an interview with Seattle Times (via LiveAbout), where he said, "I wear the same thing every day. I always pack two blackness jackets, loads of blackness T-shirts, loads of white jeans. I feel a petty fresh and glamorous and graphic." Hey, at least he owns upwardly to it — and his uniform is definitely chic.


Every bit far as celebrities become, Adele is a pretty individual person, and we don't see her much when she isn't on tour. But when she does evidence upwardly to cherry carpet events and laurels shows, yous can bet she's usually wearing a version of the same dress. Adele is almost always in a long-sleeved maxi dress with a high cervix, and it's unremarkably in a dark shade.

In fact, Adele sticks to this await fifty-fifty when she'due south on phase, which is a stark difference from many other pop stars who go all out with their bout outfits. During one tour, the vocaliser wore the same Christopher Bailey-designed Burberry gown to every single show. Adele's stylist, Gaelle Paul, explained the idea behind the expect to Billboard, proverb that, while they had originally looked at "a mountain of sketches" for outfits, they eventually shifted their focus to creating "1 nifty dress that went the extra mile and that really wowed."

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was famous for wearing a uniform every time he appeared in public — in fact, it's nearly impossible to find photos of him in annihilation else. The Apple tree CEO was e'er seen in a black mock turtleneck sweater, bluish jeans, and running sneakers. Unsurprisingly, the tech mogul never addressed his wardrobe choices, just there was e'er plenty of speculation.

INC reported that researchers accept likely found the reason behind Jobs' conclusion to article of clothing the same matter all the fourth dimension, citing that this isn't uncommon among other successful people.This research demonstrates that extremely decorated and successful people similar Jobs accept to make so many decisions each day that it becomes overwhelming.INC disseminated the inquiry, explaining that picking a uniform helps avoid "conclusion fatigue." It's basically one less thing they have to think about, because the guesswork has been taken out: in Jobs' example, he could only open his cupboard, pull out jeans and a black turtleneck, and be done with it.

Tom Ford

Tom Ford has been a major way designer for brands like Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent, equally well as his own eponymous brand. Still, he keeps his own wardrobe unproblematic and chic: Ford virtually always wears a fitted blackness Tom Ford suit. If he's non in a suit, then he's almost surely wearing all black. He addressed this in an interview withMr. Porter, where he said that the reason he wears blackness so oftentimes is because he feels "comfortable and confident in information technology."

He added, "It is important to find your ain sense of style, your own look, something that makes yous feel confident. Never clothing things that yous don't love just because someone else tells you that you should. I personally tend to feel the all-time in dark colors." Ford also once told The Guardian that he feels "weak" when he's not wearing a suit, saying, "A suit is armor. You know, I'grand not practiced in knitwear. I feel mushy and soft. I'1000 non adept in anything but a kicking. I experience solid and grounded."

Hillary Clinton

During the 2016 presidential election, one topic about Hillary Clinton was continuously brought upwards in the media: why the presidential candidate always wore a matching pantsuit and kitten heels, usually something in a bright colour. In her memoirWhat Happened (via CNBC), Clinton explained the meaning backside her pantsuits, albeit she oftentimes wore a "uniform," and maxim, "I did this because I like pantsuits. They make me experience professional and set up to go."

The outfit selection was also about equality — Clinton noted that male politicians wear similar suits every day, and that, "equally a adult female running for President, she liked the "visual cue" that she was "different from the men but also familiar." Finally, she hoped that the uniform would continue people from paying too much attending to her clothes, explaining, "A uniform was also an anti-lark technique: since there wasn't much to say or written report on what I wore, maybe people would focus on what I was maxim instead."

Mark Zuckerberg

Marking Zuckerberg is another tech genius who sticks to a pretty consistent uniform. Although he'll stride out in a suit or some sort of formal vesture when needed, Zuckerberg is typically wearing a gray t-shirt and jeans. During his commencement public question and answer session in 2014, Zuckerberg was asked why he never changed upward his clothing. He answered, "I really want to clear my life to brand it so that I accept to make every bit few decisions as possible nearly anything except how to all-time serve this community."

He added, "I'm in this really lucky position, where I become to wake up every day and help serve more a billion people. And I feel similar I'grand not doing my job if I spend any of my free energy on things that are light-headed or frivolous near my life." Zuckerberg has also joked about his wardrobe since then. In 2016, he posted a photo on Facebook of a closet of gray t-shirts captioned, "Commencement twenty-four hours back after paternity exit. What should I wear?"


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