Again He Awoke Them Readmonished Them and Once More Returning and Prayed

"A marvelous manifestation, and admonition from a higher source" May xv, 2022

The young Orson F. Whitney
Orson F. Whitney, somewhere betwixt 1870 and 1875
(Wikimedia Commons public domain)


The literarily-inclined Orson F. Whitney served as a member of the Council of the Twelve from 1906 until his death in 1931.  I share a quotation from his memoirs that may already be familiar to virtually of my readers.  But it'southward a  wonderful passage, and mayhap some out there don't know information technology.

It refers to an experience from his get-go mission, in the Eastern States, in roughly the year 1876.  He had apparently been a rather indifferent and coincidental Latter-day Saint until his unexpected phone call to serve as a missionary.  And, past his own acknowledgment, even afterwards his arrival in the field, he was more interested in writing than in ministering.  Merely this incident obviously had a transformative effect upon him:

And so came a marvelous manifestation, and admonition from a higher source, ane impossible to ignore. It was a dream, or a vision in a dream, as I lay upon my bed in the little town of Columbia, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. I seemed to be in the Garden of Gethsemane, a witness of the Savior's agony. I saw Him as plainly equally ever I have seen anyone. Standing behind a tree in the foreground, I beheld Jesus, with Peter, James and John, as they came through a little wicket gate at my correct. Leaving the iii Apostles there, later telling them to kneel and pray, the Son of God passed over to the other side, where He as well knelt and prayed. It was the same prayer with which all Bible readers are familiar: "Oh my Father, if it be possible, let this loving cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, just as One thousand wilt."

As He prayed the tears streamed down His face, which was toward me. I was so moved at the sight that I as well wept, out of pure sympathy. My whole heart went out to Him; I loved Him with all my soul, and longed to be with Him as I longed for nothing else.

Presently He arose and walked to where those Apostles were kneeling– fast comatose! He shook them gently, awoke them, and in a tone of tender reproach, untinctured by the least show of anger or impatience, asked them plaintively if they could not watch with Him ane hour. There He was, with the awful weight of the world's sins upon His shoulders, with the pangs of every human, adult female and child shooting through His sensitive soul– and they could not sentinel with Him one poor hr!

Returning to His place, He offered up the same prayer as earlier; so went back and again found them sleeping. Again He awoke them, readmonished them, and once more returned and prayed. Three times this occurred, until I was perfectly familiar with His appearance– face, grade and movements. He was of noble stature and regal mien– non at all the weak, effeminate being that some painters take portrayed; but the very God that He was and is, every bit meek and humble as a little child.

All at in one case the circumstances seemed to change, the scene remaining but the aforementioned. Instead of earlier, information technology was after the crucifixion, and the Savior, with the three Apostles, now stood together in a group at my left. They were near to depart and ascend into Heaven. I could suffer it no longer. I ran from backside the tree, roughshod at His feet, clasped Him effectually the knees, and begged Him to take me with Him.

I shall never forget the kind and gentle manner in which He stooped, raised me upwardly, and embraced me. It was so vivid, then real. I felt the very warmth of His body, as He held me in His arms and said in the tenderest tones: "No, my son, these have finished their work; they can become with me; only you must stay and finish yours." Nonetheless I clung to Him. Gazing up into His face– for He was taller than I– I besought Him fervently: "Well, hope me that I may come to you at the last." Smiling sweetly, He said, "That will depend entirely upon yourself." I awoke with a sob in my pharynx, and it was morning. . . .

I saw the moral clearly. I have never thought of existence an Campaigner, nor of holding any other office in the Church, and information technology did not occur to me so. Nevertheless I knew that these sleeping Apostles meant me. I was asleep at my post — as any man is who, having been divinely appointed to practise one thing, does another.

Just from that 60 minutes, all was changed. I never was the same man again. I connected to write, but non to the neglect of the Lord's work. I held that get-go and foremost; all else was secondary. (Orson F. Whitney, "Through Memory's Halls", 1930, folio 82)

Somewhen, Elder Whitney wrote the hymn "Savior, Redeemer of My Soul":

  1. Savior, Redeemer of my soul,

    Whose mighty hand hath made me whole,

    Whose wondrous pow'r hath raised me up

    And filled with sweet my bitter cup!

    What natural language my gratitude tin can tell,

    O gracious God of Israel.

  2. Never tin can I repay thee, Lord,

    But I can dear thee. Thy pure discussion,

    Hath it not been my ane delight,

    My joy by day, my dream past night?

    Then let my lips proclaim it still,

    And all my life reflect thy will.

  3. O'errule mine acts to serve thine ends.

    Change frowning foes to grinning friends.

    Chasten my soul till I shall be

    In perfect harmony with thee.

    Make me more worthy of thy honey,

    And fit me for the life above.

Watch and hear information technology performed pastDallyn Bayles, Jenny Oaks Baker, and the Lyceum Philharmonic in this video:


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