Took Suboxone Felt Better Then Got Sick Again

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Comment from: [electronic mail protected], 25-34 Female on Handling for six months - 1 year (Patient) Published: May 04

I desire to start off by saying this drug is a phenomenon. I was in a rehab eye for two weeks to detox off OxyContin. They gave me this drug expecting me to be off it in ii weeks. I relapsed three days after i was off this medicine because although the concrete withdrawals were not present, the psychological cravings were. Also if you are psychologically dependent on this drug your body will finish producing "dopamine", The natural occurring chemical that helps cause feelings of pleasure in the brain. Opiates stimulate dopamine action. And then Suboxone will block, simply not damage, your opioid receptors while your natural dopamine will start to produce. Usually within 3-half dozen months you can stop taking suboxone and feel better than y'all did before you started taking drugs. You will withdrawal from this medication for about 3 days and the withdrawal isn't that bad. I'm the biggest baby in the globe and if "I" can exercise it and then anyone tin. Information technology is important to talk to your doctor when y'all are ready to end taking suboxone so he can taper you off slowly. I exercise recommend this drug to anyone who wants to stop using anything from Vicodin to heroin and can't do it alone. It will salve your life and you won't even call up virtually drugs while your on it. To increment your chances for success i also suggest out-patient therapy and 12 step meetings. Your life volition get alot ameliorate. I didn't get clean to exist miserable and this medicine made me feel live and in command over my addiction for the first time. Good luck to you, You lot can do it :)

Comment from: juggiegirl87, 25-34 on Treatment for less than 1 month (Patient) Published: October 30

Suboxone is It!!! The outset dose & yous see that withdrawls are over! I did Heroin & Oxy for 5 years. I idea my but promise was the Methadone Dispensary, (which takes ane year minimum) to "Become Off". The first dose of Suboxone I took I felt Crawly! NORMAL! Absolutely no withdrawls & 1 pill lasted ii whole days! I was at the point I wanted to die! Every minute I didnt spend looking for drugs I spent planning my suicide. Suboxone changed (SAVED) my life! It takes Such a short time for a full recovery & it isnt difficult to get off similar Methadone. This is it people! I never thought I would even even so be here, permit alone feeling good & loving life! I am sober & I feel meliorate than ever! Please...if you lot are suffering from Opiate addiction, Please try Suboxone! Bless all of you and I hope you observe this miracle cure!!! T.G. P.S.- I havent experienced Whatever bad side effects!

Annotate from: bluestrat70, 35-44 Female on Treatment for less than 1 calendar month (Patient) Published: Nov 21

Suboxone completely eliminated the withdrawal symptoms i was experiencing. Before taking the first dose i was sluggish, fatigued, i had the runs, my bones and joints ached, i couldn't focus on the simplest job. Within xv minutes of putting suboxone tablet nether my natural language all of those nasty feelings were gone. i hadn't felt that proficient for as long i could remmember. I have no cravings for vicodin or percocet i had been taking/abusing for the by 3 years. this is a phenomenon drug.

Comment from: Billy Mac, 55-64 Female on Treatment for 5-x years (Patient) Published: Feb 22

I was a chronic pain patient for 30 year's had admission to the best hospitals and doctors in Cleveland and information technology was a regiment of going from one narcotic to another and I was basically existing, but some how functioned from day to twenty-four hours.A doctor who runs a earth renown Habit Center started me on them, and it was similar Dorothy entering the Land of Oz.At that place was no pain and no euphoric feelings and for the commencement time since the armed services I felt normal, and this was the toughest part of my journeying. I am at present happier than I have ever been, but to you youngsters out there, I paid the piper.My liver has taken a beating from all the prescription meds and a host of other things that cant be reversed.If your fond, you need to seek assistance before yous harm your internal organs and merely as important, the psychological damage addiction causes.Stay cool and find something bigger than yoursef,and to me that was God,but if you cant get that route, a door knob will suffice as yous must finish the insanity of addiction.Suboxone gave me back my life and my family.Every major urban center in the US has doctors that tin help you.Grasp this lifeline called Suboxone.

Published: November 08

I was upwards to xx-25 10-325 norcos a twenty-four hours. I heard nearly this when I went looking for my next fix at a new docs part. I had had information technology with but surviving and so I gave it a shot. The key is yous have to exist in withdrawl in order for it to work. At to the lowest degree moderately. That role sucked but the fashion the symptoms disappeared after the first dose? Amazing. The only problem I am having now is, I am kind of a depressed person. The opiates for the virtually part fabricated me feel euphoric and happy. Non having that anymore sometimes makes me want to become back and utilise but all I have to practise is look at my kids and that's all smashed. It is a swell drug. Expensive though but so again compared to the toll I was paying on the street for pills and or scripts. Nothing compares. If you lot are considering it, practice it. You will non be upset. Simply brand certain you are in withdrawl and have non used for at to the lowest degree 24 hours or information technology will make y'all ill. Peace.

Comment from: bigseals81, 25-34 Female on Treatment for 2-5 years (Patient) Published: May 11

I was taking over 170 7.v Lortabs (SPECS), plus any other upper or pain killer I could get my easily on a month for over ten years. Oxys, Roxys, Vicodin, Lorcet, Tussinex, you go the idea! And then pot, and downers to sleep, all while steady drinking. I started this program little over 2 years ago. NEVER went back, not once! I accept 8mg in morn (Shower) and so 8mg more in evening after piece of work. I truly wanted information technology mind, trunk, and soul. u got to want it. U do ur part, it will practise its part. Never think about it, Never take gained tolerance to information technology in over ii yrs of use. Fifty-fifty helped me quit drinking!? I may exist on it the rest of my life because of my personality, who knows. Simply it beats the heck out of the alternative lifestyle. Overall, BEST decision I e'er made. And my wife, family, and friends agree. SAVED MY LIFE!!! And to those who say its just a substitute for something else, thats true. Just if thats what it takes to be successful and live a normal life....So BE IT!!! Proficient luck and thanks for reading. Hope my experience helps others.

Annotate from: will3, 35-44 Female on Treatment for 1-half-dozen months (Patient) Published: June 15

i started taking hurting pills when i was 16 yrs old. tylenol # 2-four incresaed to lorcet 10mg past historic period 20. so started taking oxycontin 20mg, 40mg, 60mg. 6-viii tablets a day until i was in my 40s. i begged the Lord to hlp me stop taking all these pills. it was destroying my family and career too. just GOD is awesome. by His grace i saw a program on HBO tv. it was answered prayer after takeing the opiates for over xxx yrs not-stop everyday. and then i day i but got on my knees and asked the Lord to aid me end cold turkey on a sunday last month. i and so i walked into my doctor's office on monday the side by side day. i told him i merely stopped the opiates last night and i needed to starting time taking suboxone asap before i started withdrawing. he started me on viii.2 mg film. i take ane/ii of strip in the morning and the other ane/2 in the evening. the only side effects i've had is the runs for the offset few days and some major headaches on both sides of my temples. for me it was super easy considering of my organized religion in JESUS CHRIST. He gave me the mercy to do information technology because i trusted in His power non mine because if it was in my ability i would accept flipped out and concluded upwardly in the ER room. i besides wanted to thank y'all all for sharing your comments. they take blessed me then very much.side by side calendar month i volition take 4mg film. 1/2 in the morning and 1/2 in the evening. and then 2mg film 1/2 in the morning ane/2 in the evening. by the end of 90 days i'll stop taking the moving-picture show. i believe i can do all things through CHRIST who strenghthens me. p.s. it doesn't matter if you are a christian like me or not i nonetheless will continue to pray for all of united states of america and our families too. P.S. if you want me to specifically pray for you or if yous only want to chop it upwards email me at [e-mail protected]

Annotate from: newlife, 25-34 Female on Handling for less than 1 month (Patient) Published: January 24

Please if y'all are truly wanting assistance and cannot stop on your ain this is a way out. I am a VP of a large visitor and took narcotics to boost my performance at work. It started out slow and after a while I was hooked on 100mg a twenty-four hours of 10/325. I tried everything and later on 3 years lost hope, my identity, nearly my job and my family. I looked at this route several times and said it can't piece of work. I read the reviews and was skeptical. Then I tried information technology subsequently my wife said she was leaving and I wish I would have done information technology years ago. It worked immediately and I even took half of what my Dr. suggested. He gave me 8mg and said that might non be plenty and I did information technology with 4mg a twenty-four hour period and accept had the best days of my life. Of course you have to want to be complimentary of spending your days searching for enough pills to get y'all through the 24-hour interval and have the spiritual (not necessarily religion) but spiritual willpower to want to quit. I never had a thought of wanting a pill even once afterward I took this medication and not one side effect and after three days felt bully and really don't need it but a day or two out of the week. Please practice not read the horror stories of this drug and look similar I did try it and observe out for yourself if yous were at the bottom like i was.

Comment from: on Handling for 6 months - 1 twelvemonth (Patient) Published: Apr 21

(continued from last post) I'm not discouraging people from finding handling here, dont become me wrong! It is important to vanquish habit. I'thousand just providing insight from very much experience and VERY much research. Do your research on the Internet earlier deciding to go on suboxone, if you're looking for a miracle cure to beat your addiction without negative side effects or withdrawal symptoms, y'all simply won't discover it, information technology doesn't be. And if yous merely can't seem to carry oxy or vicodin withdrawals for v days (I know its absolute misery, merely I highly recommend this method) then keep suboxone brusque term. At that place's no reason to prolong your habit past going on suboxone for a year, I recollect all addicts tin agree, we just desire to get amend, and nosotros desire to practice information technology as fast equally possible. Make it clear to your dr you're not looking to stay on suboxone long term. There is a proven 21 day suboxone method that will break your addiction to whatever opiate it is that yous're addicted to, without becoming fond to suboxone instead! Suggest this kind of short term treatment to your dr. If he refuses to do this for you lot because he thinks yous need "something a little more long term" and so all he's doing is disrespecting your wish of getting better on your schedule. Walk out and find a new dr, because this cheat isn't here to help You lot! He's here to greenbacks in on the jackpot that is suboxone therapy. I hope this review was helpful, and I really urge you lot to think very hard and make smart decisions equally to how yous go almost your sobriety. Opiate addiction is evil and its challenge new victims every unmarried twenty-four hours! Even as I'm typing this new people are getting their lives turned upside downward, and they haven't even realized it still. All-time of luck to all of you, from the bottom of my eye!


Prescription Drug Abuse: Addiction, Wellness Risks, and Treatments See Slideshow

Comment from: kevinmilam13, 45-54 Female on Treatment for ane-2 years (Patient) Published: September 27

its been a fantastic drug for helping me stay off opiates but its been very difficult to come off of information technology

Annotate from: Drug complimentary, 25-34 on Treatment for less than 1 month (Patient) Published: Oct 23

Only wanted to say, that you don't have to be on this med for years or months fifty-fifty. The merely reason your dr. is doing this is for the money. Of course you are going to withdraw from suboxen if you've been on information technology that long. If you lot desire to quit you can!! I started out taking a half in the morning and one-half at night. I merely did that for a day, then I went to a quarter a mean solar day. I now only accept a quarter left and that means I but needed ii pills to come off a 10 to xv pill a twenty-four hour period addiction. I have only experienced feet as a side result or withdraw if y'all want to say. I experience good! I feel normal! Mentally I know that information technology is only volition power now to keep me from going back to the drugs. I am thankful for the suboxen and so glad I didn't let a doctor talk me into existence addicted to them. Delight if yous take these do not stay on them for a long menstruation of fourth dimension. You will just find yourself addicted to another pill that's even more expensive then your addiction at present! Thanks and Skilful Luck!!

Comment from: Chris, 25-34 Female on Handling for ii-5 years (Patient) Published: Oct 20

This medicine saved my life- I'm 3 years on it now, and my life is finally back to normal after a terrible 5 year heroin habit... It nearly seems like someone else at present when I expect back at who I was while using heroin... Suboxone is a phenomenon, if used as you lot're supposed to use information technology.. I had a few tries with it before where I didn't follow the instructions and I had relapsed- but this last fourth dimension I followed it perfectly, and with astounding results... My life just fell back into place right before my eyes... Please, if you lot want to alive over again, try this answer... No sickness, only right back to "normal"!! Sometimes I feel even better than normal.. I don't call back existence this happy before I ever got into heroin... At present that I'k by the heroin and taking my Suboxone every day, it almost seems like I'm existence rewarded for surviving my troubles while on heroin... I dunno, maybe i but appreciate my life more than now... after going through hell, the truthful heaven that is life was in that location waiting for me all along. :-) ~Chris McD.

Comment from: Set Free, on Treatment for less than 1 calendar month (Patient) Published: Dec 08

Be very conscientious with this med. My start day, I took 1/4 of an 8mg tablet. I took it 26 hours afterwards i took my terminal vicodin (took 3 the solar day b4). You get that speed similar from taking a perk or vic x1000. Yous take and then much energy and don't know what to do with it. I could non sleep and so went directly into a migraine. 25 hours after taking information technology, i vomitted. I truly wished death upon me i was and so sick. So, I waited 2 days and took a crumb. That made a huge difference. I am a twenty year user of vics and perks. I didn't take more than than ten a day. Then weaned what i had to 3 a day and so started the bicycle all over again spending time and money looking for more. Oh what bondage these little pills cause. The withdraws are ever the worst for me. I started with v subs terminal sabbatum and still have 4 left. Afterwards reading all the other posts, i know not to exist on it for more than a week (my decision). But please exist very, very careful and do your research. By me taking crumbs, i recollect that has fabricated all of the difference in the world. Like I said, i just need to get through the withdraws. And exist sure to wait 24 hours subsequently you have taken your last fix. I am upbeat and thankful to God for helping me through this. Yes, I accept a ways to become but i do know that i can defeat this demon. And so can you! You can exercise this! Y'all volition get your life back! I promise. My Mom has already noticed a deviation in me. :) God anoint each and anybody of you. And btw...the posts that i read requesting prayer, I take prayed for you! And please, Christians, pray for me. Yes, subs can be very helpful every bit long equally yous take information technology the right way. Start off slow. Get off of it equally quick as you can and do not replace one crutch with another. You Can DO THIS!!!

Comment from: ROY IN COLO SPGS, 55-64 Female on Treatment for less than i month (Patient) Published: December 08

I was surprised how quickly this medicine actually they start y'all on something called Sub something else, for a few days and then send you lot home with this. It stopped 2-day long stiff narcotic/opiate withdrawals in less than 15 minutes. One small nasty tasting pill nether your tongue and instantly y'all honestly feel well. Non high well, just articulate well. I consider this drug for chronic pain sufferers and opiate abusers akin a miracle drug. You feel like you've been given a second chance. Please trust me. If you are tired of "information technology", y'all owe it to yourself to try this. You will thank your higher-power I promise. LOVE

Comment from: forgot_it, 25-34 on Handling for 1-6 months (Patient) Published: July 10

I posted a while agone (10 bag/24-hour interval heroin habit). I must say, now I feel fantastic. This medication works. The first few days I felt slight wd symptoms only I had a rather large addiction. As soon as the heroin was out of my organisation, I just felt normal. I do go swelling and irritation under my tounge, but its its piece of cake to tolerate especially subsequently living through the alternative. This medication works better than in-patient tx, outpatient tx, jail, sober house, and drug court combined. I accept no regrets nearly starting this drug. Also, I missed a dr appt and went about a week with no meds and it was fine. I felt slight wd symptoms; common cold, tired, lazy. Simply nil a sweater and a coffee count fix. Everyone is exaggerating when they say its sooo difficult to go off of. They only dont call back how bad opiate wd was. If you lot are thinking about starting this medication, definately practice information technology. I have no regrets.

Comment from: freshstart1, 35-44 Female on Treatment for i-2 years (Patient) Published: September 30

I've been off Suboxone for about a week. I'm a x year pill popper, and a 20year ex-drunk. Only not all for not. THIS DRUG WORKS WHEN TAKEN PROPERLY. It took me 3 times to effigy that out. I know I'yard going to be fine in one case the withdraws are finished.The withdrawl symptoms are non even close to those of coming off of pills. Its a mental game! You need to be mentally prepared for the physical and mental changes that come with detox. If you tin do that I feal anybody can practise information technology. I battled alcoholism for over twenty years. I've been sober for 6 years(from alcohol). But I found other means to quite my demons. With Percocet, and Morphine. My advice every bit an addict? Follow your Doctors instructions. It's ten times easier to quit this drug than information technology is the hard stuff. Your mind is a powerfull thing! Good LUCK TO ALL OF Yous! YOUR Better THAN YOU Recall YOU MAY BE!

Annotate from: recoveringaddict420, 19-24 on Treatment for i-6 months (Patient) Published: Baronial 29

I went into detox and the md had me on a whole suboxone a 24-hour interval (one-half in the am, half in the pm) but i felt like i was getting loftier off of it, and that'due south what I didn't want to be anymore! And so when I got out of treatment i took half in the am and that was enough to make me feel okay to function normally. I weened myself down to a quarter a solar day afterwards 2 weeks of taking a half a solar day. I was simply prescribed 15 with no refills so when i started taking just a quarter a day I tried to wait every bit long as I could before I took it because I didn't desire to take it if i didn't have to. Some days I skipped taking it, and somewhen they were gone and I felt like I didn't need them anymore either. The drug was a nifty help to get off of Oxycontin and I accept now been sober for 5 months after beingness on drugs for over iii years. I occasionally get withdrawal similar symptoms like dark sweats and the shakes but it happens very seldom now. I recommend this to anyone trying to get off of opiates, and in my opinion it is less addicting and safer to take than methadone.

Comment from: nineteen-24 Female on Treatment for 2-five years (Patient) Published: August 12

Suboxone is a miracle drug in terms of getting your life back on track when y'all are in the depths of an opiate addiction. Taking Suboxone will not simply completely eliminate the withdrawals, but it also gets rid of the post-astute withdrawals (the worst aspect of withdrawal) and makes you lot feel "normal" like you did before y'all were addicted. Thing is, Suboxone is even so an opiate and therefore it is still getting yous high. The high is slight, but definitely definable. Suboxone saved my life in many ways. But every positive review that you see online is from someone who is withal on Suboxone. I've been on it for 4 years now. It's a very self-perpetuating drug. I'm sorry to tell anyone this (I had read the horror stories before I tried quitting and did my best to ignore them) simply quitting Suboxone is very, very hard. I've never gotten by seven days Suboxone costless. I accept gotten myself down to 1/8 of a 2mg pill a day (.25mg) and even at that dose I was amazed to learn that the Suboxone "high" is just equally pronounced equally it was at 16mg. It'due south an incredibly powerful drug and many don't realize that taking 16mg of Suboxone a day is equivalent to taking 426mg of oxycodone (1mg of buprenorphine is equal to 27mg of oxycodone). I don't deter the use of Suboxone every bit I think it is a valuable tool for many. But I believe its use should be limited - preferably only for a week or 2 to eliminate physical withdrawals and get y'all back on your anxiety. Please don't be terrified by my mention of the Suboxone withdrawals. Yeah, they are awful, you can successfully become through them. Weening down to crumbs (.1mg a twenty-four hour period) makes the withdrawals a lot more endurable. From what I've read the first six weeks off of Suboxone are very hard, but things improve rapidly after that.

Comment from: BryZee, 25-34 Female on Treatment for i-ii years (Patient) Published: May 21

I have been addicted to about all narcotic pain relievers for nigh 9 years for a herniated deejay in my back. I've been taking Suboxone to detoxify myself because my withdrawal symptoms about claimed my life. I went into shock from quitting the pain relievers cold turkey and I almost died if it weren't for my wife getting me to the infirmary as quickly equally she did. I was hooked up with a dispensary in my area and I'll tell you, I've never been then happy to be off everything. I have been on everything from Lortabs to Fentanyl patches and suckers. I couldn't believe how well the Suboxone had worked and with a lot of difficult work and sacrifice, I'g clean today and never felt so happy. My pain hasn't gone away or anything but I'm no longer a slave to the sickness. Give thanks you for letting me share my footling story with you all.

Comment from: kt1414, 25-34 on Treatment for 1-vi months (Patient) Published: January 03

For anyone to say that using Suboxone to get off other opiates is only "trading" from an illegal drug to a legal drug is out of their listen and apparently knows zippo about it! I was a heroin addict for well over ten and out of jails, programs, and tried Methadone. It is nothing like Methadone either. You don't go high on it at all! As long as y'all accept information technology properly and are in SOME type of plan, be it 12 footstep or outpatient, ut works smashing!! It really gives me energy, I'll be draggin a$$ in the morning, accept my 2 then exist up and ready for anything!! I'm prescribed 4 a solar day, simply unremarkably only have three. I'm all the same prescribed the 4 in case I NEED information technology. Which I usually don't. I've even gone a 24-hour interval with only taking the two! I'thou in a 40 week outpatient program and this Suboxone has SAVED MY LIFE!! Anybody effectually me has noticed the change in me and I can't be happier. So, practise your research earlier slamming this drug. I won't phone call it a "miracle drug" but I will say that it has changed MY life for the ameliorate. Yep, it IS expensive but there are many programs that help you pay for the cost of Help with meidaction cost and see what you can discover. Or endeavor applying for Medicaid, they Practise encompass it! Others in my plan that are off the Suboxone have just complained of slight anxiety and trouble sleeping. That's a way better trade off than the horrible withdral from Methadone, heroin or any opiate!! If I helped anyone un whatsoever way, that'southward aewsome. If not..I know I'yard helping myself and that'due south the about of import thing!!

Comment from: Papi the Kid, 25-34 Female person on Handling for 6 months - 1 year (Patient) Published: July xvi

Hey all, This Med works magic.Before starting the Suboxone handling i was taken 10-20 Percs a day,& two-3 40mg Oxycontin's per twenty-four hour period. Now i take 1/two tablet in morn and the other 1/2 at night. Its still a Narcotic and then y'all will have a feeling that reminds you lot of the Pain meds but dont go fooled this med can still be abused. I desire everyone to know that Suboxone is a serious med and should be taken seriously and treated as a life saver, because it really is. Good luck to everyone out there. I know being addicted to opiads is tough and can happen out of the blue, but trust that there are Dr.s and meds out in that location that can help go yous back on track to a positive manner of life. The All-time function is once you find how much money y'all have because your not out on the streets spending large bucks scoring pills yous will say . DAMN i plant my reply. :-)

Comment from: DONTDOIT, 19-24 Female on Treatment for 2-five years (Patient) Published: October 20

Look at the people who have written reviews that rave about this drug. They've only been on information technology for a month or so. When I offset started this medication I thought it was a gift from God. I wish someone had told me the following earlier I took i of them! Long term apply volition damage your torso, Your skin will yellowish, you volition feel weak, and I was also very tired and giddy. Not to mention the impairment information technology does to your liver. It is soo hard to become off of and y'all will experience hurting and fatigue for months. I know y'all cannot believe everything on the internet but trust me, do not showtime this medication and if yous do, only take it brusque term. This medication volition rule your life and youll feel like a slave for your doctor, just telling him what he wants to here so you tin get a refill just to be able to wake upwardly in the forenoon, Beware everyone, this drug is a temporary fix to an addiction, but it will open up a whole other i that will make you most immune to pain meds (if e'er needed for injury). Also if youre prescribed to these, yous volition never go pain meds, This happened to me when i crushed my finger. I had to endure. The doctors would give me shit. Suboxone is a money making scam for the doctors who could requite 2 shits about there patients long term life changing furnishings from this drugs. Play a joke on news did a whole story about this drug proving how wacked out the doctors are prescribing suboxone. Most doctors merely take cash which should raise a red flag anyways, Trick said an only cash doctor can make up to 500k a twelvemonth just prescribing this. And at present that the feds are increasing the number of patients a doctor can have. Its such bullshit. My doctor appointments consisted of about five words. Thank god I got off it without telling him, that s.o.b would accept kept me on it forever. BEWARE! If you decide to do a long term treatment plan, salve this review and wait at it a year from now, you will agree with everything...guaranteed!

Annotate from: Noname, 35-44 Female on Handling for ii-5 years (Patient) Published: November 06

I don't understand how anyone can complain about becoming addicted to this medicine or the toll. We take this medication because nosotros are addicts Suboxone is here to either ease the withdrawals until you lot can mentally prepare yourself for them or to stay on for life or until something meliorate comes along-no costless rides. As for the price, are you kidding? How many people here complaining had to sell everything they endemic and things they didn't for their former drug of choice? How did you feed a $300/mean solar day Oxy habit? You managed $9K a month so at present you lot moan well-nigh $500/month-please have some responsibility. You don't need to wake up sick anymore or effigy out how to beg, borrow, play a joke on, or steal for money or confront being dope sick. I Take BEEN ON Subs for five years and if I need to take them until I die I don't care I will never again wake up at 3:00am covered in sweat having a panic attack while trying to remember which ER I striking up final for my "back pain."

Comment from: JohnnyMaytag, 19-24 Female person on Treatment for 2-5 years (Patient) Published: December xx

Suboxone is a wonder drug IN MY OPPINION, for anyone who has a pain pill addiction. Taking suboxone is like having your normal brain again with nothing clogging it. I've taken eighty+ MGs of Oxycontin per day with three Xanax and 5-8 Lortabs as kickers each solar day. Suboxone helped me easily turn away from these drugs, BUT I WANTED TO.... People who exercise not want to stop snorting or stop shooting up, probably won't. Merely if you desire to terminate, then this may be the right option for you.... I now only take about 1/4 of a Suboxone per mean solar day, Under THE TOUNGE, and everything is going great. The entire process took merely a week to crash-land down ... One pill, and then halves, then quarters .... This stuff works ...... My time on Suboxone is merely about one month ... My time on Oxycontin and other Drugs is five+ Years ...

Comment from: on Treatment for six months - 1 yr (Patient) Published: April 21

Beware this drug! Dr will says that the fact this drug causes physical withdrawal is a "misconception." I am currently on 24-hour interval 3 off suboxone, I tapered properly, all the way downwards to .25 mg/mean solar day. Take it from me, this drug is nearly as hard to get off every bit any other opiate, every bit far as withdrawals go. In fact, the withdrawals from suboxone last LONGER than those of oxycodone, hydrocodone, etc. Granted, the withdrawals aren't as severe, only they're just as miserable withal. From experience, my advice would be to just seize with teeth the bullet for 4 or v days with the withdrawals from oxycodone, hydrocodone, etc. rather than prolonging the addiction. You're gonna discover that you're digging yourself into an fifty-fifty deeper pigsty of suboxone addiction, and months afterward, when you want to get off suboxone, y'all'll accept to face weeks of suboxone withdrawal when you could've had just a couple days of withdrawal and got on with your life months, or even years, earlier! We like to think doctors have our best interests in mind, but let'southward confront it, coin makes the globe go 'circular. When doctors take patients on suboxone, information technology translates to PAYDAY! Suboxone treament isn't cheap, information technology costs hundreds, sometimes even thousands a calendar month. Dont get me wrong, a lot of drs care about their patients, just a surprisingly large amount (peculiarly suboxone drs) are in information technology for the lucrative money that suboxone patients bring them. Like I said, if I could go dorsum in time now I would've only dealt with the v days of oxycontin withdrawal and lived the terminal 6 months of my life without the hassle of addiction and having pills run my life. Make no fault, you Will build your life effectually your suboxone dose just similar you had to do with oxy, vicodin, heroin, etc. Then now vi months after I'm looking ahead to another two wks of w/d, when I could've been normal half a twelvemonth ago.

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